Thank You By 'The Katinas' Album: Timeless Just a little while longer I wanna pray Can't get You off my mind so I came to say Thank You Lord just for loving me Many times as I do forget Every need that You have met Oh thank You Lord, I know You're showing me You are there when I am down and out You're holding me, Your love is so amazing Oh it changed me Chorus: Here I am with all I am Raise my hands to worship You I wanna say thank you, oh thank you For everything, for who You are You cover me, You touch my heart I wanna say thank you I could have died in my sin but You saved me Didn't have any hope at all You gave me peace divine, strength to carry on I should have been the one to pay But instead You took my place My Jesus, words cannot explain Even though I don't deserve Your love for me You look beyond my fault and You showed mercy CHORUS I wanna say thank you for the sun I wanna say thank you for the rain Everything You do is beautiful I'm so grateful for Your loveThis group is indeed worshiping God and giving praise to Him for what He has done and once i saw the video i knew i had to go with this one this week. Yesterday our Pastor talked about the importance of self discipline, especially when it comes to our relationship with Christ. This is an area that i find myself struggling in of late. It has not always been that way... I am praying for God to help me regain some of that, but i know it is like a muscle. it will only get stronger as i exercise it.
1. Where is your cell phone? ~ Always in arms reach.
2. Your hair? ~ Short and mostly gray. If i can grab it in between my fingers, it is too long.
3. Your mother? ~ Deceased since December 2000.
5. Your favorite food? ~ Most anything my beloved makes for me. It really does vary depending on mood and appetite.
6. Your dream last night? ~ Umm... i rarely sleep long enough in one shot to dream, but if i am dreaming... i usually don't remember it.
7. Your favorite drink? ~ Liquid 'Crack' - also known as Soda Pop. Preferably Dr Pepper, but Coke or Mellow Yellow will also do the trick. I was once given a small glass of Sambuca... i imeediately decided that i was never allowed to have a full bottle near me as i absolutely LOVE black licorice.
8. Your dream/goal? ~ For my children to grow up happy and content, and to live my life in peace with my beloved.
9. What room are you in?
10. Your hobby? ~ Writing, but i also like to play adventure and table top war games. I just do not usually have time for any of the latter.
11. Your fear? ~ I would like to believe that i do not have any... the biggest right now would be to hear "depart from Me for I never knew you".
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? ~ Financially stable enough to begin to support DS2 through college (as well as DS1 who will be two years ahead of him).
13. Where were you last night? ~ Home, honest.
14. Something that you aren’t? ~ A good test taker.
15. Muffins? ~ Of course... Blueberry all the way... especially the ones from Dunkin! YUM!
16. Wish list item? ~ Whew... that's a good one. I will have to go check my Amazon.com list.
17. Where did you grow up? ~ Pretty much everywhere between Manasas, VA and New York City. But never in any one place for very long. The years i've lived in my current house is the longest i have lived anywhere in my entire life.
18. Last thing you did? ~ Hopefully solved a network problem for my customer.
19. What are you wearing? ~ Khaki slacks, Lands End loafers that desperately need to be replaced, and a denim long sleeve shirt - which is unusual for me. I much prefer to wear short sleeve polo's all year round. If i get cold i just slip on a t-shirt underneath.
20. Your TV? ~ Psych, Royal Pains, a lot of History Channel stuff. Watching 'The Unit', 'Psych', and 'Burn Notice' on DVD. When i have time (so that means, very slowly).
21. Your pets? ~ Nope
22. Friends? ~ Not as close and as often as i would prefer. We are all in the stage of life with kids and school and sports and...
23. Your life? ~ Overall good. I would like for it to slow down some. I would like to be more organized and productive around the house, but overall - i am doing better than i deserve and i am content.
24. Your mood? ~ Even keeled currently.
25. Missing someone? ~ My beloved.
26. Vehicle? ~ A 2000 Toyota Echo with 120k miles on it. It is the absolute sweetest thing on the road.
27. Something you’re not wearing? ~ My Tilley Hat... i am indoors after all.
28. Your favorite store? ~ Depends what i am looking for, and it will usually be off of the internet.
29. Your favorite color? ~ That's easy - Cobalt Blue.
30. When was the last time you laughed? ~ Sometime earlier today - but i couldn't tell you what it was over.
31. Last time you cried? ~ I honestly don't remember. Are you talking sobbing, or just a little wet around the edges?
32. Your best friend? ~ Female - my beloved. I am amazed at how much i like to just be in the same room with her. Male - RAM (not his real name). We have been friends since the 11th grade in High School. We've worked on cars, moved away from home at the same time, got married and live in the same region. Our kids and wives get along great.
33. One place that I go to over and over? ~ I don't know "you". That is too broad of a question.
34. One person who emails you regularly? ~ A coworker. And usually it's not just to chitchat. LOL If i want to communicate with some one i prefer to call, but an e-mail will suffice to initiate a call.
35. Favorite place to eat? ~ Depends... see #5 above.
36. Favorite activity? ~ I like to be outdoors, or working on something. But i am most happy when i have an inspiration to write.
I’m supposed to tag 6 people now. But since I don’t think that have 6 readers, I’ll tag anyone who wants to do it…..he-don-ist [heed-n-ist] -noun : a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification.
I am Free Group: Desperation Band Written by John Egan Through You the blind will see Through You the mute will sing Through You the dead will rise Through You all hearts will praise Through You the darkness flees Through You my heart screams, I am free! I am free to run (I am free to run) I am free to dance (I am free to dance) I am free to live for you (I am free to live for you) I am free (I am free) Chorus: I am free I am free I am free to run (I am free to run) I am free to dance (I am free to dance) I am free to live for you (I am free to live for you I am free (I am free) Yes I am free
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, [6] you did it to me.’" (ESV)There is a woman who i consider a "blogging friend" who has recently done something similar. But we should not limit such things to just adopting. Now two Christians are alike. We each must seek out what God would have us do... something i need to work on myself. Here are two videos. the first one is the trailer for the movie. The second is a back ground piece i discovered while trying to learn more about the real life people behind the movie. May the Holy Spirit reach out to each of us. Help us to grow in reaching out. Showing us where to reach out. And giving us the courage to actually follow through.