I am sure anyone who might stumble across this little blog has heard of 'Global Warming'. I do not know many of my frequent visitors beyond that of what could be considered as an aquantence, so I am not sure where each of you might stand on this issue.
As mentioned in my profile, and my frequent writings here, I am a Christian. Now, as an over generalization, we Christians are considered anti-global warming types. There are a few exceptions (one in my immediate sphere comes to mind), but in general I think the former is considered the 'majority'.
Well, that is really neither here nor there I guess. I am writing as one who is not all "hot and bothered". All of the talk comes across as hype and sensationalizing. Even listening to the various reports many appear contradictory.
After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 there was a lot of talk about core sample from the barrier marshes, etc. Many of the indications showed cyclical transitions of conditions.
Much of our historical weather data goes back only to the late 1800's (I am not sure of the exact date). I know that specific things like temp. and rain fall was not widely recorded. It is also acknowldged that just prior to this period we came out of a mini ice age.
I have one friend who vehemently denies that there are any credible scientists who disagree with the global warming position. This man is very learned. He has a PhD in stuff I could not even begin to understand. He is wicked smart. He also walks in the scientific community circle. He is incorrect in this statement though. There are many scientists that are not on-board with this theory. A recent "convert' (if you will) was a prominant French climantologist who was qouted in (former) Vice President Al Gore's 'documentary'.
Please do not misunderstand me. Even before Mr. Gore's public statements I have been concerned with the depletion of our natural resources. Common sense would dicatate that there is only a finite amount of oil in the ground. Having lived in New York city once upon a time, as well as in and around Washington DC, I can tell you I am no fan of smog.
In Gensis we (mankind) are commisioned to take car of God's creation. (Gen 1:26, 2:15) Good stewardship, in my opinion, is getting the most out of the least and recycling things when possible.
I guess what I am saying is that making more efficient cars, energy sources, whatever; and recycling make sense to me. Not because I think the sky is going to fall and we are doiong irreperable harm to the environment, but because it is part of being a good steward in my opinion. I am also saying that hype and exageration do not really prove one thing or another. It only frightens people, or turns them off and they ignore you. In the end it causes division.
Is the climate changing - it changes all the time. Our planet has endured Ice Ages (both short and long) - weather pattern changes - meteor impacts, etc. There is a lot of evidence to show the earth cools and warms in cycles - and not always in a pattern that makes much sense. It did it before man ever had much to contribute to it. There are evidences that the antartica ice shelf is expanding and not melting. And other factors - I cannot possible cite them all here.
Before you freek out think of this... where did the ice on the polar caps come from? The air is so cold that it is impossible for moisture to be held in the air itself. The winds that carry moisture quickly lose that mositure as it freezes. In order for it to have been dumped there in any significant quantity it would have had to warm up enough to allow moisture to flow far inland.
Take what I have as a grain of salt. I am neither an expert in weather, nor a scientist. But I am a reasonably intelligent fellow and so far I have not been convinced we are on the verge of some ecological catastrophy. There are too many things that seem to controdict the 'imperical' evidence.
Do we need to do something about the worlds consumption of it's natural resources (oil, wood to name two)? Yes. Should we seek out ways to improve economy of energy? Yes. Should we seek to be better stewards of whatever 'talents' God gives us? Most definetly.
All I ask is that we all keep an open mind and not wage eco-wars on those with differing opinions.
Oh, and governments (like anyone with any real power read this) do us a favor. Help promote such alternative energy sources more. I for one have been researching solar and geothermal alternatives for my private home. My break even point is over fifteen years out - and that is with me taking into account the tax savings I might save (for one year BTW). If you want the private citizen to take things like this more seriously... you need to help us make it more obtainable.
Verse for today:
1 Peter 4: 7-11,
The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.