My little 'world' has taken another jolt. I am not going to go into details, but it has put my into a whirlwind. I feel sick to my stomach, sadness, empty, confused. Probably a lot more that i am not understanding. Anyway, on the work this song played on the radio and i almost had to pull over to allow it to "wash over me". So, instead of one Music Monday entry you all get two this week! 8)
Empty Me by Chris Sligh Empty Me i've had just enough of the spotlight when it burns bright to see how it gets in the blood. and i've tasted my share of the sweet life and the wild ride and found a little is not quite enough. i know how i can stray and how fast my heart could change. empty me of the selfishness inside every vain ambition and the poison of my pride and any foolish thing my heart holds to lord empty me of me so i can be filled with you. i've seen just enough of the quick buys of the best lies to know how prodigals can be drawn away. i know how i can stray and how fast my heart could change. empty me of the selfishness inside every vain ambition and the poison of my pride and any foolish thing my heart holds to lord empty me of me so i can be filled with you. cause everything is a lesser thing compared to you, compared to you. cause everything is a lesser thing compared to you so why surrender all? empty me of the selfishness inside every vain ambition and the poison of my pride empty me of the selfishness inside every vain ambition and the poison of my pride and any foolish thing my heart holds to lord empty me of me so i can be lord empty me of me so i can be filled with you. oh, filled with you. empty me.
This song had had an affect on me before, but this morning it just really filled me... not of Chris Sligh or His music, but an overwhelming sense of the Holy Spirit... which i really needed today. (Well, i need it every day... i guess i am just more aware of it today)
This may be related... maybe not... maybe my ADD just kicking in, but... yesterday, before my "world" kind of lost kilter, i was praying about sending an e-mail to two old "acquaintances" regarding my church situation. Right now i am even more confused as to what to write, if to write at all. I am pretty sure i need to, but i need more time to pray over what to say in the e-mail.
Yesterday i downloaded four sermons. A series on the Atonement, and it "looks" to be some good stuff. I had hoped to get into my MP3 player last night and do some serious organizing, but life has its own time line. I am going to organize my music and sermon downloads so that i can almost download from a file folder so i can download just what i am in the mood, or need, to hear. Sometimes i want to hear some of Jethro Tull, sometimes i really need to focus and listen to sermons, but i get frustrated when i have to search through my entire folder, or when i am really enjoying the music list i have going and it is "interrupted" by a message on sanctification. Not that there is ever a bad time to hear about such things, but if i am in the middle of cutting the grass it is hard to concentrate on what the speaker is talking about.
Sunday afternoon i was spending the day cleaning up my "area" and sort of watching Doc Hollywood. That is a movie that is my kind of genre, so to speak. Sort of silly and is a good "popcorn" kind of entertainment. The whole time while i was rummaging through my mess and watching the movie i was trying to think what it was that i liked about such movies. I think it's the simplicity of it all. Especially Doc Hollywood. Small town, reminds me of that summer back in 1980. A simple life... everyone knows each other and cares for one another. Sort of a Utopia.
One last thing... my family was supposed to be joining my Dad and Step Mom for a vacation in Maine latter next month. Unfortunately we will not be able to do it. It's a long, multi-faceted, tale, but we are not going. I've been to New England a few times, but i've never been to Maine... and that far north in July sounds like a really nice place.