Miscellaneous Ramblings to pass the time

The past two days have been pretty much a blur.  I had a song picked out for yesterday's Music Monday post, but i never had a moment to actually get it entered in.  If i'm smart i will save it and get a head start for next week.  So, instead i will just move along...

Not long ago (i may have mentioned) i finally took my beloved's advice and went and had a sleep study done.  For the most part the results were predictable and i have been prescribed a CPAP machine.  It's been... interesting trying to make sure i get all of the insurance company's requirements taken care of, but i felt a LOT better the morning after the second test.  There was "anomaly" that concerned both the technicians monitoring me over night, and the doctor who reviewed the readings later.  Well, the good news is that those "anomalies" did not occur with the CPAP during the second test.  Yea!  This "anomaly" is a resurgence of a childhood issue, and has me sort of concerned.  By God's grace though, it appears to be nothing more than a blip on the radar.

I know there used to be a few rabid book readers who would frequent this blog, but i am not sure if they still do or not.  Be that as it may... i have noticed that my pile of partially finished books keeps growing.  Right now i am about 1/3 of the way through Stonewall Jackson: The Man. The Soldier, The Legend; a little over half way through The Last Patriot; I've just begun Proclaiming a Cross-centered Theology; been re-reading and about a third of the way through A Book of Five Rings; and barely even scratched Humility: True Greatness.  I love reading, but i really just need to knuckle down and finish at least one of them!   The good part of all this reading though, it has inspired sort of a writing spurt.

I don't remember how i found it, but i have found a new blog (called *Cute n Cool Blog Stuff*) site to help me learn how to customize my blog here.  She even, apparently, is willing to be hired to do some as well.  I don't have a lot of tools (like Photo or Paint Shop Pro), but i am looking forward (i hope) to trying to get some things done to spruce up the Ol' Dojo.

Yesterday i shared a link on Facebook titled, "Christian Faith: Calvinism is Back".  I thought it was a very interesting read, and it encouraged me personally.  In my opinion America needs a does of realizing exactly how depraved, how offensive, and just what it cost Christ to come to atone for sin on our behalf.

I had to cut today's entry "short" because i kept coming up with random things to blog about, and i was running out of time faster than i could keep up with my own train of thought!  *sigh* Such are the trials and tribulation of having ADD... even though i have found it quite beneficial in my day to day career. Well, i have "saved" them for another day... i am finally queuing up thoughts again!

1 comment:

My ADHD Me said...

Hi there. You probably thought I had stopped visiting blogs...well, I almost had. Just haven't been in a blogging kind of mood. Getting back though!!

"Running out of time faster than I could keep up with my own train of thought" .....I know what you mean. It's also like the cup is always full and running over OR completely empty.
But yes, ADD and ADHD can be beneficial....and interesting.

i am always in the middle of more than one book. Maybe if I just read one at a time I would finish them. lol.

Have a terrific day!!