Tennis Widower

I am sure most people have heard the term "Football Widow", or at least the term " Widow". Now, I am a fan of American Football (i.e. not the soccer variety), but I am pretty tame about it. I am content to watch/listen (to) it in the background while doing other things. Occasionally I will set aside some time to actually sit down in front of the tube to see a complete game - especially if it is a rare occasion when the Carolina Panthers are playing and the game is being televised in my area. But I think I have run into a whole new twist to this situation. I am what could be called, a Tennis Widower. My beloved loves Tennis. Just before I left for my two week Annual Training the French Open was being played. The finals took place the first weekend I was away. Well, I get home and the Monday of my 'home coming' Wimbledon began. (The Australian Open takes place in early January, and the US Open takes place later this summer - around Labor Day.) So for two weeks before I left, and now for two weeks since I've been home - the house has been completely disheveled. That is not to say that I exect my beloved to take care of it all. I do indeed help out. But that has meant later nights than usual cleaning up from dinner, making sure the kids get their bath/shower, folding laundry, etc. I am also not saying that my beloved just shuts down for these 'Majors' either. It's just that she does not function at full capacity so to speak. :) All of this I don't mind. I enjoy tennis. There are some really good matches to watch, etc. but the kick in the seat of my pants happened this morning. I had the opportunity to essentially take half the weekend off from my National Guard drill (long story, but I would have been able to not show up until 1300 tomorrow, and then get off NLT 0900 Sunday), but I would obviously not get paid for the half I was not their (totally expected and understandable). But when I explained the loss of income to my beloved she told me (in essence), well the women's finals, and the men's semi-finals are tomorrow. It's not like we were going to be doing anything else. ! 8 Wow. So it came down to me making the decision. Lately money has been pretty tight, and we are coming up on vacation time so... I opted to just drive the extra miles and drill for the entire time period. I do not want anyone to read into this more than it really is. If I asked my beloved to skip the finals, she would. We would go off and do whatever it is I would like to do. All the while she would make sure the video recorder was running so she could watch it later. ;) Verse for today:
Psalm 28:6-7, ESV Blessed be the Lord! For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.


Susan said...

Sometimes our priorities DO get out of whack don't they? I would never sit and watch an entire tennis match...but, as you know, football is a whole different story for me! I am guilty of occasionally putting *my* needs (or wants) before my spouse's and even my family's and that's the problem.

May your weekend be blessed! I am anxious to "hear" how the visit about the "Secret" went. I had a Christian singing the praises of this thing not long ago...beware of wolf in sheep's clothing, right??

:-) Susan

Connie Barris said...

I'm like Susan... I was checking back to see how the visit went with the couple regarding the "Secret"...

Of course, you may not realize your harvest now.. it may have gone better than you think...

ahhhhhh... sports.....I love to read next to my beloved while he watches...of course, i love "some" of them...

blessings... Samurai....

Cory Mogk said...
