The frailties of youth

I chose the title not just because I am getting ready to turn 40, but because of a discussion I had with my beloved last night. DS2 has been having troubles lately. He does pretty well academically but when it comes to peer relationships he is having a pretty tough time. Last night he asked his mother (while he was home because he had not been invited over to a friends house along with his brother) why people did not like him. That just breaks our heart. He is such a sweet boy, but he does not always get the intricacies of social interaction. When he sees something that appears to be an injustice he is quick to come to the aide of the underdog. Unfortunately that is not always... in a way that can be construde as... well, normal. He is quick to get angry, or even very sad. He also does not take losing very well. He wants to do well, and those that are on the same team that he is on (when involved in team sports). And when they are losing (or an a perceived slight has occured) he is quick to get mad and/or sad - to include crying. My beloved and I have struggled for many years trying to understand why is this way. Last year he was finally diagnosed with Aspergers - it is a type of Autism that falls within the 'high functioning' spectrum of that disorder. Well, due to these issues with him not fully understanding social cues he tends to alienate himself from his peers. And this just breaks my beloved's (and my own) heart. Last night he was asking for a puppy. Now he is taking theraputic riding lessons on Monday nights - which he LOVES! I have been told (since I am taking DS1 to his soccer practices) that he soaks up the information like a sponge. So now I am torn. I have resisted getting a dog, any dog, for a long time. They need care. They need to be walked. They need to be trained. And they need to be fed. They take up time and money - both of which are at a premium in my home right now. Please do not get me wrong. I LOVE dogs! When I was growing up I owned a dog (well, it was my dog to take care of) - a Welsh Corgi. He came along with me on my paper route. I also think a dog would be a great thing for my son. I just don't know how we could fit in a dog now. Well, that is all I have for now. :) God bless. Updates: Hiku Verse for today: Luke 18:15-17, esv Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a Welsch Corgi/Cowdog mix, and a Yorkie. They are part of the family. But they are a lot of work and responsability. And can be a tremendous drain on finances.