Ode to Mom

As opposed to good old Mom, eh? ;-)

Since we are coming up on Mother's day I thought I'd write a post about the 'moms' in my life.

The first "props" goes to my own mom. She was a single mother who fought for, and eventually won custody. Now, should she have had it, I dunno. She was a woman with a lot of faults, but loving her children was not one of them (no matter how misguided her attempts may have been). When I was very young she worked at least two jobs in order to take care of me and my brother. She worked hard to make sure that my brother and I were taken care of - even to the point of hiring a nanny (sort of) for during the week. She pretty much gave everything she had to see that my brother and I were taken care of.

The next goes to my step mother. She always bent over backward to make sure my brother and I knew that she loved and appreciated us. Even when we were not... the nicest we should have been. Part of my love for math comes from her (and my dad) making me study my multiplication tables (and things like that). I remember bringing homework on family vacations... *sigh*. Even now she goes out of her way to show, and share her love for me and my family. She has really taken care of my dad, which is a good thing. ;-)

My next goes out to my Mother-in-law. Unlike the common American stereo-type, I love my MIL. I am not really, shall we say, "tight" with my own family. I've just sort of been on my own - pretty much since I was 16 (this was how it ended up, despite my dad and stepmom's desires). But when me beloved first introduced us she has been nothing but nice to me. On the few times I felt like I had to step in and ask them (my in-laws) to step back, they did so. She takes care of me and my family, and in many ways has provided in ways that my own has not been able to (not necessarily because they didn't want to...). When ever I have called her up with a question, or to ask advice on something, she has always taken the time to help me out.

Last but by far not the least... my beloved. Before we even met, my beloved was told that it would be "difficult" for her to conceive, and she was up front with me. But when the Lord put it on our hearts to begin trying *BAM* along came DS1. Funny story - we were both working odd shift jobs, me starting level IT and midnight shift, she was a low level manager in a fast food restaurant. I had just come home and was trying to go to sleep (she was already in the shower - I also do not sleep well with ANY light around me LOL). She's getting ready and I am just on the edge of consciousness when she comes in and says, "I might be pregnant. I am on my way to the doctor's office now. Go back to sleep." LOL - like I was going to get any sleep that day! My only "regret" is that God did not allow us to "practice" more. ;-) When we decided to try for #2 *BAM* along came DS2. We had a little more 'trouble' with DD3. It was September 2000 when God put it on my beloved's heart about a daughter that He would give her. She has been ornery from the very beginning. Through it all my beloved has been an amazing mom. She has always sought out the very best for our children. When DD3 was diagnosed with CF (a very long and trying time in our lives) she dove in and learned what to do. Long before DS2 was finally diagnosed with Aspergers, she was involved, asking doctors and educators questions. For DS1 she has always been there for him, helping him with homework, baking his favorite cookies for him.

Women are amazing in general, but my hat goes off for mothers. I am amazed at how God has designed each of you unique for the role you play in your children's lives. Just like no two children are alike, no two mothers are either. May God pour out an overflowing supply of grace, mercy, strength, and courage upon each of you who come by here this weekend. Thank You God for mothers, and the work that You do through them.
Verse for today:
Proverbs 31 : 26-29, ESV
She opens her mouth with wisdom,
and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
She looks well to the ways of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
“Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all.”

1 comment:

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I love your commitment and sacrificial love for your wife. She also sounds as though she deserves just such a husband. I'm sure God smile you two.