Day 8, and it's flannel pajama time once again

Man what a long weekend. Ok, it was not overly taxing, but I am pretty tired this morning.

With all the things going on I headed into my unit Friday night and as usual, I didn't get much sleep before drill (too many things running through my mind). Got up WAY before dawn on Saturday, "ran" for about twelve hours before the day was done, got to bed late Saturday night and up early again yesterday. Thank God for daylight savings time ;-). Sunday was sort of a repeat of Saturday (lot's and lot's going on for almost twleve hours), and then get home for the second shift. Once the kids were in bed I could barely hold my eyes open.

It was not all "pain and suffering" though. I went to a Panera Bread for dinner on Saturday night - I just love their food - and because I was in uniform they gave me 50% off! Man that was cool! I was also able to learn a few things over the weekend.

I was able to get the sections aligned under the respective Staff Sergeants so I do not have to worry about so much "direct intervention", and we were given a "Commander's intent" for the rest of the training year. It will be hard, but if we can pull it off, it should be very memorable for the guys, as well as for me (seeing that this is definetly my last year in uniform). I also found out that the guys that are detached will probably be back sooner than (I) expected. Which is a good thing. I also found out that my commander nominated me for the Honorable order of Saint Barbera. I am not sure that it will go through, but it was nice. I am not into things like 'orders' and all that, but it seems like a nice jesture - and I really appreciate the thought.

He also, and more importantly, nominated the head of our Family support group for the "Order of Molly Pitcher" - which is way over due. This woman has worked countless hours and taken a lot of time out of her schedule dating back to at least 2001. Even after her husband (the blankety-blank) left her, who is in my unit, she has remained a steadfast supporter of the troops. I hope she gets it.

Well, I am sure everyone who reads this blog (all, maybe, six of you) knowns now that we've turned the clocks back to "standard" time. It was wierd this year. Mostly because of the changes to the 'norm'. This year it ended a week later than usual, and will start again two weeks sooner next year. The more I think about it... I feel that "Day light savings time" should just become the norm. I used the think the other way, but then I realized that if we didn't do daylight savings... there would be times the sun would be up before 5:00 AM! But... now the sun will be setting before 5:00 PM! *sigh*... LOL

I actually had some good theological thoughts this weekend... but my tired mind is having trouble recalling them. I was able to listen to two out of three Cd's in a series titled "Christ and Him Crucified", by CJ Mahaney. It is a series that was done around the time the release of Mel Gibson's movie, "The Passion of the Christ". It is an excellent series and highly recommend it available for free MP3 download through the website, click on the links to each sermon). I might not get to expound upon my thoughts on it this week, as I am preparing to lead the discussion at our care group this week, but I am going to be talking about the "why's" of small groups so...

Ok, so I've rambled on long enough for today...

Verse for today:

1 Corinthians 15:3-6, ESV
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep.


Amy L Buitendyk said...

Well I looked forward to hearing your thoughts on that when you get around to it!

Hey no comments on the football game of the week? Sad lose for you I know.

How much longer do you have before the 12 days are over?

I know it is stressful for you but you have loved it - just try to recall that when it gets to be to much...


Alise said...

While I mostly wish it were DST all the time, getting the kids off to school when it's pitch black out is pretty scary. It was nice this morning to have a little sun when we were on our way to school.