Yikes! I've been tagged!

Well, "Big Mama" has tagged me to post Eight things about myself. I am a little short on time so I will sort of work on it on the side and post it tomorrow. Not much new here. I've been gathering information to try and make sure I have all my ducks in a row for when I decide to retire from the National Guard. For my part, when the time comes, I really only have two obligations. One is to put my request to retire in written form. The other is to make sure I attend a briefing that outlines all the options and things that need to take place to retire. Ok, the latter is actually a unit obligation, but I think this is one I should really make sure of myself. ;-) Last night my beloved and I had a last minute BBQ. Nothing fancy, just us and the two other families that went with her to pick cherries. We threw hot dogs and burgers on the grill, cleaned off a few carrots, and brought out the bags of chips and that was it. The best part about it was staying up way too late to talk with some freinds who we rarely get to hang out with. One family (the one that stayed way too late) is heavily involved with Young Life and attend the same church we do. We got into some really good discussions about what we like, and what we would prefer to see, in 'church'. We are not out to change the world, or even undermine what is going on in our local church, we just believe there are things that could go better. Something I need to pray more on - and maybe step forward in some fashion. The other family have been good friends since my beloved was in College, and they have taken the lead to start a new caregroup (home group, biblical community, small group, whatever term you might use - you get the idea). We are planning on rotating between their house (only four doors down) and ours. We shall see. Well, that is all I have, and I've been rambling on for too long as it is... Verse for today:
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.

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