I couldn't help myself. Well, I probably could, but I didn't. I stayed up WAY too late watching coverage of the VT tragedy. I listened intently as the reporters interviewed faculty and roommates of the shooter. I listened as other people described this young man and I trembled inside. I remember being an outcast in high school. I remember not really fitting in to the college scene. A big difference was that I did actually respond to efforts of others to include me in things. I also thought of my son who is dealing with Aspergers. He often withdraws and does things that are odd. I worry about being a good enough father to lead him into better social habits. To help him deal with his frustrations and to help him learn how to interact with other people. But most of all - I really want to help him find his place in this world. To help him find the thing that he loves (that is NOT Pokemon :) ), and to encourage his desire. Please, I am not claiming my son is on the way down that road. It's just that as a parent I fear and pray for his future. Like any parent I just want the best for my children and with all that has gone on this week and has made me think and pray. Verse for today: Proverbs 18:1-3, ESV Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment. A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. When wickedness comes, contempt comes also, and with dishonor comes disgrace.


Rich said...

I think about my son, as well, meaning I hope he can be social and make friends. I do know without a doubt that your number 2 son and my number 1 will have the support of our family, friends, and our churches.

Susan said...

I remember thinking this about mine when he would come home and tell me that he has no friends. It broke my heart. I realize though that we DO give them deep faith and THAT is so important. I pray for the shooter's family...I HOPE that someone is reaching out to them right now. I can't imagine shouldering the emotion of it all.


samurai said...

I know that the student body, the faculty, and the family of the victims most definetly need to be reached out to - but I agree with you Susan. I pray for the family of the shooter too. What anguish they must be going through as well.

Rich - thank you for that encouragement. :) But this boy also had a church family. I am in prayer that God moves in our children's hearts mightly. Because unless He moves...