Kicking someone when they are down

I know probably most blogs that come from those of us who live in the United States today will be about the Virginia Tech shootings today. There are so many things that can, and should, be said - but I do not know how much authority I would have on such matters. I do not live on that campus. As far as I know I do not personally know anyone on that campus. One thing I am concerned about is the rising crescendo of criticism about the campus administration not notifying the students sooner about the earlier shooting at the dorms. The students that were in the classrooms at the alter shootings would have left their dorms probably by 8:45. At that time did the administration really see a need to notify anyone? The students in the dorm where the first shootings took place already knew, as well as many of the adjacent dorms. We only have experience to base such decision off of. There is no precedent of this taking place. Really, what would have happened if the administration had notified the students via e-mail even as early as 8:00 AM? There was no perceived need to close down the entire school at that point. In the past, usually, shooters that flee the sceene do not stay nearby to commit more shootings. They usually flee the area in a bid to escape and to avoid getting caught. In my opinion, most of the students would have still gone to class that morning. Especially the commuter students, the ones that do not live on campus. The professors most certanly would have been there. This morning I read the book of Obediah. While this may seem off topic the thing I think God was showing me is that we need to not 'contribute' our pound of flesh to the spectacle. I am not sure really how to coherently tie these things together. We need to know and trust that God is control of all things. Even when it does not make sense. The Edomites took advantage of God's judgement upon Isreal. They ransacked their villages, they policed up stragglers and turned them over to the invaders. In the end God judged them for doing this, even though the reason for Isreal being in such a state was because of God's judegment upon them. Also think about the relationship between Saul and David. David knew that God would bring down Saul but he would not lift his hand against the man. The same needs to be noted about the church in history. There have been times we have been quick to proclaim judgment against those suffering with AIDS, or those who suffer from an abortion. The afflictions may be a part of God's judgement upon that person, but who are we to add to the person's suffering? Are we not to have compassion upon one another? Because my dear friend - if not for the grace of God, there go I. This may seem disjointed, but... it is that kind of day. Verse for today: Luke 13:1-5, ESV There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

1 comment:

Susan said...

I had this very same conversation with my boys last night. I simply don't think we should be pointing fingers at those in charge. I'm sure they are all running the "could've" "should've" scenerios in their heads. It's easy to make such judgements with the knowledge we have now...but I tend to think that you are right...to start chaos without a perceived need...I don't know.

It's so sad and I've been heart broken by it all day.

May God bless you.

:-) Susan