Taking a voluntary 'Timeout'

Well, with some of the overtime acrrued (as recently as last weekend ;-) ) I am taking this Friday and next Monday off. I need the extra time to just get some things done around the house - minor repairs, that sort of thing, but I also want to just take a day to spend with my beloved. Little things keep creeping up around the house. Some caulking that is cracking. Some painting touch ups. And recently, and this is not really minor, the shower door in our bathroom has broken. We can't shut it all that way and I need to replace it. So Friday is fix-it day. :) Monday though is just for me and my beloved. At least for the time while the kids are in school. I am hoping to treat my beloved to some one on one time. A chance to focus on just each other without worrying about the chores, or the kids. Maybe get away from the house to walk/talk. Go to her favorite (or one of them anyway) resteraunt - we have a coupon ;-). Friday I hope to also get up early to help get DS1 off to school and let my beloved sleep in. Then the rest of the day will be taking care of practical things that I know my beloved wants done around the house. Unfortunately the weekend is shot with me having National Guard responsibilities, but then Monday I am really hoping for a slow down, one-on-one, with my beloved. Verse for today: Song of Solomon 6:4-5a, ESV You are beautiful as Tirzah, my love, lovely as Jerusalem, awesome as an army with banners. Turn away your eyes from me, for they overwhelm me—


Amy L Buitendyk said...

The joys of home-ownership! Really though the blessings that you are able to be in a home instead of renting some place is a great blessing from above!

I am praying that Monday brings about the one-on-one time that the two of you so much need and deserve!

Susan said...

I hope that your "time out" is very special for both of you. I know you'll be a blessing by both completing the "chores" and spending precious time with your beloved.


:-) Susan

samurai said...

Thank you both... yesterday God really laid on my heart that it was time for a "Time out" :~)

Thank you for the prayers, and I believe it will be a good time - which I will hopefully blog about on Tuesday ;~)

Anonymous said...

Hope the time out is refreshing!

I stumbled upon your blog as I was looking for Christian Samurai references.. thought you might find this video clip appropriate - it's a Christian reflection from the Samurai writings about taking notice of our time:


God Bless!