Autism and the public school system

Yesterday I blogged about getting ready for the upcoming school year. I also mentioned about the struggles I am having with DS2, his Autism (Aspergers) and especially the struggles with his peers. We have a lot of things going on for DS2. His under medication to help (something I know very little about :( ), he takes 'riding therapy' lessons, he sees doctors at least once a month (sometimes just to see how the meds are working, sometimes with psycologist). We also attend - as a family usually - an Autism support group, and once a month he is in a "social skills" group. I am not 100% sure of what a blogging friend (thanks Susan) was referring to when she mentioned working with the 'socialization' within the classroom. I guess a part of me assumed that this was something the teachers and aides do. I will have to read about this some more. I was also considering taking an afternoon to go (with my beloved) sometime in the first week or two of classes to talk to his classmates about it. I've heard that was something that was pretty helpful. I think what I fear the most, is him pulling away from his family. He is so different from his brother and sister. I want so much more for him... and I am unable to give him very much. At least not in ways that I can detect him being receptive. I fear failing him as a father, and I fear - most of all - that I will somehow fail to reveal to him the Father. It feels like the world is against us, and would love for nothing more than to drive a wedge between us - isolating my son enough that he feels like he is all alone. I may know that is not the truth, but what is my son's perception? That is what matters. Verse for today: Matthew 19:13-15, ESV Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” And he laid his hands on them and went away.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I think the one thing I've learned as we deal with our Autistic student is that so MANY of us really don't understand what it actually means. And the fact that it can mean something different for each and every child makes it more difficult.

Unfortunately, I think you're going to have to be the "educator" in many cases where your son's teachers are concerned. Does he have a 1:1 aide? I know our little girl does not...as she is not that severe. BUT I do know that we have given her special peers that help her get through the day...this is MUCH easier when they are little.

I'm praying for you all. I know support can be so sporadic in some settings. I pray that someone comes into your lives and along side your family that will do the "right thing" in the public school system.


:-) Susan