Caleb Cambell

Ok, I need to say this. I am disappointed with the United States Army over what they did to Caleb Campbell. I totally understand, and I get it. It's just that he was a day away from starting a career in the NFL - and there weren't even any guarantees that he would have made the team. He was going to have to prove himself no matter what. I was just rooting for the kid to make it to the big leagues. I am impressed with how this young man has been conducting himself though. He has always said that no matter how the Army went on this, he would honor his commitment - and he has done so without trying to play it out through the media. I will pray for him, and who knows. Maybe in a few years he will be back at the Lions training camp. Maybe a little more wiser, maybe still in shape. If that is the case I will be praying and rooting for him to make the team. Now on to other ramblings... When I retired, my unit presented me with a really nice memento. It was the guidon we used at AT this year, all framed up. Very, very nice. There are two other soldiers who are retiring at the same time (within +/- 30 days of me) and I asked the commander if anything had been done for them. Apparently nothing had... :-( I have found the Minute Man statue pictured to the right. I want to order this for them, but I can't do it out of pocket all on my own - so I am waiting on if the unit can help, and for guidance on what to have engraved. I think it would be really nice. Well, I am still kind of fried from VBS going on this week at church so I am going to wrap this up. May God richly bless all who happen upon this humble blog. Verse for today: Proverbs 24 : 3-6, ESV By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. A wise man is full of strength, and a man of knowledge enhances his might, for by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I see you are also in the throes of vbs - I've wondered if mornings were easier than evenings, and although I used to think evenings would be better, I've become convinced that mornings are working fine. I call those evening hours "the witching hours" and having to be somewhere 5nights in a row would wear everyone down. We are done by noon here, and I have to say it's nice to have the rest of the day open.

I have a "hot tip" for you regarding backing up your computer: when ours was killed we took it to a local computer gal around the corner and she has saved our hard drive, thankfully - we should be fixed up tomorrow after John buys a new tower. Anyway, she strongly recommended a website, mozy.com, where they will back up all your stuff for $5 a month - as often as you like - and then if you crash, you can find a computer geek (like our gal) who can then restore it NO PROBLEM, from mozy. I would think for a writer that would be simply indispensable.

Hope that helps! John's work is all on his laptop - so he is going to do that tonight!

Okay, gotta run - it's late and kids are still awake eating brownies. Don't ask why. ;)
