Jersey Girl and the Mountaineers

Last night was a typical night around the old 'dojo'. DS2 has Horse Riding therapy to help him learn how to work through situations (animals are really supposed to help Autistic children open up, and for the most part I really think it helps DS2), DS1 had soccer practice. By the time we were all home together again it's close to 8:00 and there is still homework to get done and showers to be taken. Somehow all of the kids were under the sheets by 9:15. While making sure DD3 was getting her bath I happened to find "Jersey Girl" on one of the cable channels. With little time to actually sit down and watch it I changed to the channel, then the pause button on the DVR (Man I love that technology). Somewhere along the line my beloved got wrapped up in reviewing the daily 'log' sent home from DS2 aide at school - we've been working through yet another instance of my son getting in a scuffle with som other boys in the school yard. We made the mistake of only verbally telling my son's teacher and aide that he is not to participate in any competetive activities without some sort of direct suppervision. As a result my son actually tried to take on "5 or 6" other boys. The log entry from his aide yesterday included the words "I can't protect you" (referencing the discussion the aide had with my son). All we could say is "WHAT!". You can't protect my son! *sigh* My beloved has already requested another meeting to update the IEP - and I am going to place a call to the school myself later today. Anyway, this 'delay' while my beloved reviewed, thought it through, replied to the aide in the log book, and made sure their packs were ready for school this morning, didn't bring her upstairs until around 10:30. Meanwhile I am watching this movie (and able to skip all the commercials \o/ hurray!) and I get sucked in. I just needed a "hardluck" movie where the guy gets the girl, and the family is all hunky dorry in the end. So in that regard this was a fun movie to watch. Then this morning I stopped by Sheetz to get my ham/egg/cheese bagle and I saw the headlines that the Mountaineers whooped up on the Terps! Wahoo! Verse for today: Proverbs 14:1-3, ESV The wisest of women builds her house,but folly with her own hands tears it down. Whoever walks in uprightness fears the Lord,but he who is devious in his ways despises him. By the mouth of a fool comes a rod for his back, [1]but the lips of the wise will preserve them.


Susan said...

Hey, I have two Carolina players on my Fantasy Football team!!

By the way, I think the aide is wrong to say she can't protect your son. It's part of her job to create a safe environment for him. Stay the course.


Alise said...

Thursday night was one of the times that I missed having cable tv. I hate missing WVU games that are televised. And for whatever reason, we sweat around here every time they play Maryland. I dunno' -- there's just something scary about that game. I'm going to miss it next year.

Praying that you'll get that IEP fixed up for your son. Sorry the aide didn't do her job. Argh!

samurai said...

Susan - I appologize for the Panthers. I sure hope one of those players was good old #89. :)

Thanks 'Mama'... praying for you and your Aspie as well.