Is it Thursday already?

I woke up very groggy this morning. I had a hard time remembering what day it was until I was in the shower. I could have sworn it was only Wednesday. Today is another practice day for DS1, and usually this would be a "light" day for me to work out. But tonight my beloved is teaching some social skills at out local Autism support group and she is nervous. So, I will be dropping DS1 off at the practice field (leaving my cell phone number with the coach) and then heading back north to be near her and DS2. Maybe I can get out for a jog when we are all done. Tomorrow we are taking the family on a church retreat. It should be a pretty nice and relaxing weekend. Nothing much to do, even Awana's will not be happening Sunday night. The only thing we will have is a soccer game at 5:30 Sunday. Although I keep most of my thoughts regarding the Panthers on my new Panther's blog I thought I'd comment here today as well. The team really is playing fairly well. Last week against the Texans was pretty bad, and there was plenty of blame to go around, I am still pretty hopeful for an above .500 season. A lot of people might be looking past the Falcons right now, but I am praying that the Panthers aren't. On any given Sunday any team in the NFL can beat any other team. The next three weeks are against division rivals (@ Atlanta, Tampa Bay, @ New Orleans). Each of these teams look to be ornery. Besides, there is still plenty of football left to play. Verse for today: Proverb 20:9-11, ESV Who can say, “I have made my heart pure; I am clean from my sin”? Unequal [2] weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the Lord. Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright. [3]

1 comment:

Susan said...

I hope the class went well. I'm sure she has so much to share and it's great that you're going to be there.

And I hope you had time to run. I'm not up to running yet.

:-) Susan