While perusing some of the blogs i like to frequent i came a cross a link to a website that analyzes your writing style and tells you (supposedly) which published author you wrote like. My interest peaked i pulled up the rough draft of my Eldar Ranger character and copied about 5 paragraphs into the block and checked it out. The first result i got was for a gentlemen named Dan Brown
Now, i am by no means a literary aficionado, but i have no clue as to who this guy is (my apologies to Mr. Brown, and the authors listed below as well). So, i look him up on Amazon.com and learn he is the Author of The Da Vinci Code
fame. I am feeling a little sheepish now, but thinking that my writing was a little bit different more to the beginning of my tale i copied the first 3-5 paragrpahs of the story and pasted again. This time my result was Margaret Atwood
Again, and my apologies to Ms. Atwood, no clue. Even after browsing some of her works on Amazon.com i was not much closer to knowing her.
Then i thought... i know my bloggings are different than my story telling so i copied my last rambling blog, in its entirety, and came up with David Foster Wallace

I write like
David Foster Wallace
David Foster Wallace
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
By name i am understanding why i had such a hard time in English classes, and i think i might even be a little schizophrenic. At least as a writer...
Last but not least, i took my latest Microfiction Monday post and was told i write like Chuck Palahniuk
Last but not least, i took my latest Microfiction Monday post and was told i write like Chuck Palahniuk
Maybe this is a good thing... most famous writers were a little "touched"... that's right folks, better snatch up my works now while you can. it's like buying stock in IBM back in the early 60's and holding on to it till today! 

I had a similar experience with it - four or five different samples, and a different 'write like' author for each one!
A few hours ago I read about the tester in the news, who turned out to be Russian (I think?) -- very interesting, when I thought it was just a random-generator game really. But he's fine-tuning it to actually work and match your writing style. Good luck to him!
i did the something similar to you. I entered a bunch of different things ive written and came back with a few different writers.
i think that means its totally random... i hope so.
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